The Story My Doggie Told to Me

Excerpt: 'Bow I always begin a story that way. It is what you Two-Legged Folks call 'making your bow.' With us dogs it means 'Hello' and 'How do you do' and 'Good morning' and-and lots of other things too. And sometimes it means 'Look out ' You see, we have so many ways of saying it. Perhaps some day I'll tell you how to know just what we mean when we say 'Bow '-like that-sort of quick and friendly; and what we mean when we say it slow and gruff, way down in our throats. And then there's 'Wow ' too. 'Wow' is different from 'Bow.' And 'Bow-wow' is still different. But this isn't telling my story, is it? 'These are the first few lines of this adorable story for kids and teens who love... alles anzeigen expand_more

Excerpt: 'Bow I always begin a story that way. It is what you Two-Legged Folks call 'making your bow.' With us dogs it means 'Hello' and 'How do you do' and 'Good morning' and-and lots of other things too. And sometimes it means 'Look out ' You see, we have so many ways of saying it. Perhaps some day I'll tell you how to know just what we mean when we say 'Bow '-like that-sort of quick and friendly; and what we mean when we say it slow and gruff, way down in our throats. And then there's 'Wow ' too. 'Wow' is different from 'Bow.' And 'Bow-wow' is still different. But this isn't telling my story, is it? 'These are the first few lines of this adorable story for kids and teens who love dogs. With lots of black and white illustrations from the original 1914 edition.

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