Studies and Caprices

for Violin

The Austrian violinist and composer Jakob Dont (1815-1888) very early became a member of the Vienna Hofburg Theatre, later of the Court Chapel. Although he had made a name for himself as a soloist, he decided in favour of a career in education. For his instrument, the violin, he wrote about 50 works, most of them modern opera pot-pourris and character pieces, which are forgotten today. Apart from the preliminary exercises for Kreutzer and Rohde, his 'Studies and Caprices' (opus 35), however, have become an integral part of violin lessons. Praised by Joachim, Auer and Flesch, these outstanding studies were edited by Max Rostal in consideration of a modern violin technique and... alles anzeigen expand_more

The Austrian violinist and composer Jakob Dont (1815-1888) very early became a member of the Vienna Hofburg Theatre, later of the Court Chapel. Although he had made a name for himself as a soloist, he decided in favour of a career in education. For his instrument, the violin, he wrote about 50 works, most of them modern opera pot-pourris and character pieces, which are forgotten today. Apart from the preliminary exercises for Kreutzer and Rohde, his 'Studies and Caprices' (opus 35), however, have become an integral part of violin lessons. Praised by Joachim, Auer and Flesch, these outstanding studies were edited by Max Rostal in consideration of a modern violin technique and complemented by preparatory exercises and variants.

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