Ziggy Lionheart

A true story of flight and survival

After 13year-old Ziggy was attacked by fanatical neighbours, his mom decided to send him away so he could find a place to live safe and sound. But like many other Africans who left their countries hoping to find a better life, he had to experience unbelievable cruelties and had to fight again and again to survive. When he started a new life in Berlin, Germany, he was deeply afflicted getting bad news from home. Ziggy Lionheart is the story of a young man, who promised always to look forwards and never back. His story is about the power of hope and resilience. Dembo Fatty stammt aus einem kleinen Dorf in Gambia. Seit er denken kann, war es sein Traum, zur Schule zu gehen und zu... alles anzeigen expand_more

After 13year-old Ziggy was attacked by fanatical neighbours, his mom decided to send him away so he could find a place to live safe and sound. But like many other Africans who left their countries hoping to find a better life, he had to experience unbelievable cruelties and had to fight again and again to survive. When he started a new life in Berlin, Germany, he was deeply afflicted getting bad news from home.

Ziggy Lionheart is the story of a young man, who promised always to look forwards and never back. His story is about the power of hope and resilience.

Dembo Fatty stammt aus einem kleinen Dorf in Gambia. Seit er denken kann, war es sein Traum, zur Schule zu gehen und zu lernen. Doch bis es so weit war, musste er einen langen und schmerzhaften Weg hinter sich bringen. Dabei half ihm vor allem die starke Verbundenheit mit seiner Mutter und sein unerschütterlicher Glaube. Während der Arbeit an diesem Buch beendet er in Berlin seine Kochausbildung. In seiner Freizeit ist er erfolgreich auf Youtube und Instagram unterwegs.

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