
First published on the eve of the First World War, Keyserling's masterpiece offers a vivid portrait of a society on the verge of dissolution. A group of German aristocrats gathers at a seaside village on the Baltic Sea for a summer holiday in the early years of the twentieth century. The characters represent a cross-section of the upper classes of imperial Germany: a philandering baron, his jealous wife, a gallant cavalry officer, the elderly widow of a general, a cynical government official, a lady's companion. Their lives, even on holiday, are regulated by rigid protocol and archaic codes of honour. But their quiet, disciplined world is thrown into disarray by the unexpected... alles anzeigen expand_more

First published on the eve of the First World War, Keyserling's masterpiece offers a vivid portrait of a society on the verge of dissolution.

A group of German aristocrats gathers at a seaside village on the Baltic Sea for a summer holiday in the early years of the twentieth century. The characters represent a cross-section of the upper classes of imperial Germany: a philandering baron, his jealous wife, a gallant cavalry officer, the elderly widow of a general, a cynical government official, a lady's companion. Their lives, even on holiday, are regulated by rigid protocol and archaic codes of honour.

But their quiet, disciplined world is thrown into disarray by the unexpected presence of Doralice, a young countess who has rebelled against social constraints by escaping from an arranged marriage and running away with a bourgeois artist.

Gary Miller's new translation will find a new generation of readers for this neglected German classic.

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  • SW9781912868162110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781912868162110164
  • Autor find_in_page Eduard von Keyserling
  • Mit find_in_page Gary Miller
  • Autoreninformationen Eduard von Keyserling(1855-1918) was a Baltic German novelist and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page DEDALUS
  • Seitenzahl 208
  • Veröffentlichung 21.03.2019
  • ISBN 9781912868162

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