Oh When the Saints

The remarkable coming-of-age novel from acclaimed Vermont poet Peter Money. Shines like a pint in Slatterys on a rainy Friday night, with the promise of adventures to come. A Dublin On the Road. As featured in Writing.ie, RTÉ Radio 1's Arena, the Limerick Leader, the Irish Examiner and the Irish Times. Peter Money's books of poetry include hybrid works such as the prose-poem sequence with Saadi Youssef, To day – minutes only (2004); the poetry/music collaboration Blue Square (2007); Che: A Novella In Three Parts (2010); and a book of translations, with Sinan Antoon, of the Arab Modernist Saadi Youssef (2012). American Drone: New and Select Poems was published in 2013.... alles anzeigen expand_more

The remarkable coming-of-age novel from acclaimed Vermont poet Peter Money. Shines like a pint in Slatterys on a rainy Friday night, with the promise of adventures to come. A Dublin On the Road. As featured in Writing.ie, RTÉ Radio 1's Arena, the Limerick Leader, the Irish Examiner and the Irish Times.

Peter Money's books of poetry include hybrid works such as the prose-poem sequence with Saadi Youssef, To day – minutes only (2004); the poetry/music collaboration Blue Square (2007); Che: A Novella In Three Parts (2010); and a book of translations, with Sinan Antoon, of the Arab Modernist Saadi Youssef (2012). American Drone: New and Select Poems was published in 2013. A co-founder of the literary journal Writers' Bloc, Money also founded the journals Lame Duck and Across Borders. His poems have appeared in the American Poetry Review, The Sun, The Berkeley Review, The Hawaii Review and Solo, among others, and in the City Lights anthology Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sound, as well as on Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac. His work has been translated into Spanish in Ultramar Literatura. His 'poem boxes' have been displayed and sold at the Berta Walker Gallery in Provincetown. He is the director of Harbor Mountain Press, and has taught at Lebanon College, where he guided the Associates in Creative Writing program. Money received a grass-roots nomination for the position of Vermont State Poet Laureate in 2011. Peter performs with the band Los Lorcas.

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  • SW9781912589036110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781912589036110164
  • Autor find_in_page Peter Money
  • Autoreninformationen Peter Money’s books of poetry include hybrid works such as the… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Liberties Press
  • Seitenzahl 184
  • Veröffentlichung 28.10.2019
  • ISBN 9781912589036

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