Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Faded Gatsby glamour and thrilling gothic horror meet in this gorgeously told, terrifying and dreamy YA romance. 'You stop fearing the devil when you're holding his hand...' Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White's sleepy, seaside town...until River West comes along. River rents the guesthouse behind Violet's crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Violet's grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who likes coffee and who kisses you in a cemetery... Violet's... alles anzeigen expand_more

Faded Gatsby glamour and thrilling gothic horror meet in this gorgeously told, terrifying and dreamy YA romance.

'You stop fearing the devil when you're holding his hand...'

Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White's sleepy, seaside town...until River West comes along. River rents the guesthouse behind Violet's crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Violet's grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who likes coffee and who kisses you in a cemetery... Violet's already so knee-deep in love, she can't see straight. And that's just how River likes it.

April Genevieve Tucholke is a writer who digs classic movies, red-headed villains, big kitchens, and discussing murder at the dinner table. She and her husband live in Oregon at the edge of the forest.

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  • SW9780571307913110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571307913110164
  • Autor find_in_page April Genevieve Tucholke
  • Autoreninformationen April Genevieve Tucholke is a writer who digs classic movies,… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 368
  • Veröffentlichung 01.04.2014
  • ISBN 9780571307913

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