Who Really Owns Ireland

How we became tenants in our own land - and what we can do about it

Through centuries of oppression, we were tenants in our own land. Today, despite our independence and new-found affluence, we are in the midst of a crisis. The question of who owns Ireland is once again taking on a sense of urgency. Is the land of Ireland still for the people of Ireland? In a deep and far-reaching investigation, journalist, broadcaster and No. 1 bestselling author Matt Cooper examines the power wielded by those who control the land where we live, work and play. Who are they, how did they acquire so much and what does it mean for ordinary citizens when the ownership of key resources like shopping centres, wind farms, forestry and data centres comes from outside?... alles anzeigen expand_more

Through centuries of oppression, we were tenants in our own land.

Today, despite our independence and new-found affluence, we are in the midst of a crisis.

The question of who owns Ireland is once again taking on a sense of urgency. Is the land of Ireland still for the people of Ireland?

In a deep and far-reaching investigation, journalist, broadcaster and No. 1 bestselling author Matt Cooper examines the power wielded by those who control the land where we live, work and play. Who are they, how did they acquire so much and what does it mean for ordinary citizens when the ownership of key resources like shopping centres, wind farms, forestry and data centres comes from outside?

This is a story about how power and money influence and control the present and the future of Ireland … sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. Filled with riveting detail, this compelling story of who really owns Ireland is an essential account of the issues that affect every single one of us living on this island.

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  • SW9780717196029110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780717196029110164
  • Autor find_in_page Matt Cooper
  • Autoreninformationen Matt Cooper is a radio and TV broadcaster, newspaper columnist and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Gill Books
  • Seitenzahl 448
  • Veröffentlichung 26.10.2023
  • ISBN 9780717196029

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