Chicken Sex. Stories

Three stories about the everyday life in Bangkok, three stories of the comedie humaine, funny, musing, tragic, true, hard-boiled and poetic. About bargirls and expats, about thet Thais and the Chinese and the farangs, about the rich and the poor and about Bangkoks soul – about the Thai Boundaries of the Heart. “Think Dashiell Hammett in Bangkok.” (San Francisco Chronicle) “Moore’s flashy style successfully captures the dizzying contradictions in [Bangkok’s] vertiginous landscape.” (Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review) “To paraphrase Graham Greene in another context, Moore is our man in Bangkok.” (Bangkok Post)... alles anzeigen expand_more

Three stories about the everyday life in Bangkok, three stories of the comedie humaine, funny, musing, tragic, true, hard-boiled and poetic. About bargirls and expats, about thet Thais and the Chinese and the farangs, about the rich and the poor and about Bangkoks soul – about the Thai Boundaries of the Heart.

“Think Dashiell Hammett in Bangkok.” (San Francisco Chronicle)

“Moore’s flashy style successfully captures the dizzying contradictions in [Bangkok’s] vertiginous landscape.” (Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review)

“To paraphrase Graham Greene in another context, Moore is our man in Bangkok.” (Bangkok Post)

Three stories about the everyday life in Bangkok, three stories of the comedie humaine, funny, musing, tragic, true, hard-boiled and poetic. About bargirls and expats, about thet Thais and the Chinese and the farangs, about the rich and the poor and about Bangkoks soul – about the Thai Boundaries of the Heart.

“Think Dashiell Hammett in ...

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  • SW9783944818238

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783944818238
  • Autor find_in_page Christopher G. Moore
  • Autoreninformationen Christopher G. Moore ist Erfinder der preisgekrönten… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page CulturBooks Verlag
  • Seitenzahl 20
  • Veröffentlichung 30.09.2013
  • ISBN 9783944818238

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