Why 9 of 10 Family Businesses fail at succession: Learn what the 10 % make right. Best practices fro

The harsh reality: 9 out of 10 of family businesses will never make it to the third generation. This book investigates which factors are critical for the success of a succession. The study of three family businesses in the third generation from Germany and the UK lead to four best practices. From the results, a new model for succession in family businesses was developed. The qualitative study is one of the first that investigates the performance of successions with an international perspective. This book is recommended for family business researchers, family business owners, advisors and students interested in family business studies.
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  • SW9783954897544

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783954897544
  • Autor find_in_page Daniel Scheffold
  • Autoreninformationen Daniel Scheffold earned a Master of Arts in General Management and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page Anchor Academic Publishing
  • Seitenzahl 76
  • Veröffentlichung 01.04.2014
  • ISBN 9783954897544

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