REMOTE: The Rural Changemakers Of Janwaar

Ulrike Reinhard is a German publisher, author and futurist who has travelled more than 100 countries where she has spoken to Nobel Laureates, nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize, high ranking politicians, internationally acknowledged visionary hinkers, successful entrepreneurs, outstanding critics, activists and down-to-earth field practitioners. All her work is related to network theory with the Internet at its core. On these grounds she started Janwaar Castle in 2014. It was a social experiment – a skatepark in a rural village in the heart of India. What unfolded then is an incredible story of change. Social, cultural and economic change. The children in this village became... alles anzeigen expand_more

Ulrike Reinhard is a German publisher, author and futurist who has travelled more than 100 countries where she has spoken to Nobel Laureates, nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize, high ranking politicians, internationally acknowledged visionary hinkers, successful entrepreneurs, outstanding critics, activists and down-to-earth field practitioners.

All her work is related to network theory with the Internet at its core. On these grounds she started Janwaar Castle in 2014. It was a social experiment – a skatepark in a rural village in the heart of India. What unfolded then is an incredible story of change. Social, cultural and economic change. The children in this village became true changemakers. They took the lead and became role models for many others. Skateboarding has given them selfconfidence and self-esteem. Now they are on their way to take their future in their own hands. They’ve an identity they earlier couldn’t even think of.

In this book the changemakers themselves tell their stories of change. So do their parents and people Ulrike has worked with.

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  • SW9783955950705458270

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  • Artikelnummer SW9783955950705458270
  • Autor find_in_page Ulrike Reinhard
  • Autoreninformationen Ulrike is consultant, author, visionary, free spirit and passionate… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Verlag find_in_page
  • Seitenzahl 224
  • Veröffentlichung 20.02.2018
  • ISBN 9783955950705

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