Jewish Stories

If Not Higher, Domestic Happiness, In the Post-chaise, The New Tune, Married, The Seventh Candle of Blessing, The Widow, The Messenger, What is the Soul?, In Time of Pestilence

The "Jewish Stories" is Isaac Loeb Peretz's collection of short stories and novellas. Peretz found the inspiration for his work in the folklore of Hasidic Judaism. However, all of his stories, with exception of the legend "The Image," are set in late nineteenth century Russia and Poland and deal with social issues related to the life of Jewish population. Contents: If Not Higher Domestic Happiness In the Post-chaise The New Tune Married The Seventh Candle of Blessing The Widow The Messenger What is the Soul? In Time of Pestilence Bontzye Shweig The Dead Town The Days of the Messiah Kabbalists Travel-pictures Trust Only Go! What Should a Jewess... alles anzeigen expand_more

The "Jewish Stories" is Isaac Loeb Peretz's collection of short stories and novellas. Peretz found the inspiration for his work in the folklore of Hasidic Judaism. However, all of his stories, with exception of the legend "The Image," are set in late nineteenth century Russia and Poland and deal with social issues related to the life of Jewish population.


If Not Higher

Domestic Happiness

In the Post-chaise

The New Tune


The Seventh Candle of Blessing

The Widow

The Messenger

What is the Soul?

In Time of Pestilence

Bontzye Shweig

The Dead Town

The Days of the Messiah




Only Go!

What Should a Jewess Need?

No. 42

The Maskil

The Rabbi of Tishewitz

Tales That Are Told

A Little Boy

The Yartseff Rabbi


The First Attempt

The Second Attempt

At the Shochet's

The Rebbitzin of Skul


The Fire

The Emigrant

The Madman


The Làmed Wòfnik

The Informer

The Outcast

A Chat

The Pike

The Fast

The Woman Mistress Hannah

In the Pond

The Chanukah Light

The Poor Little Boy


Between Two Mountains

The Image

Isaac Leib Peretz (1852 – 1915), best known as I. L. Peretz, was a Yiddish language author and playwright from Poland. Alongside with Mendele Mokher Seforim and Sholem Aleichem, Peretz is considered as one of the three great classical Yiddish writers.

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