Green Stockings A Comedy In Three Acts

Excerpt: 'DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERS: Admiral Grice (Retired), a testy old gentleman of about sixty-five, with the manner of an old sea dog, of ruddy complexion, with white hair and whiskers. William Faraday, a well-preserved man of about sixty-five. Fashionable, superficial and thoroughly selfish. Colonel Smith, a dignified, dryly humorous man of military bearing, about forty years old. Robert Tarver, an empty-headed young swell. Henry Steele and James Raleigh, two young men of about thirty and thirty-five respectively. Martin, a dignified old family servant. Celia Faraday, an unaffected woman of twenty-nine, with a sense of humor. Madge (Mrs. Rockingham) and Evelyn (Lady Trenchard),... alles anzeigen expand_more

Excerpt: 'DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERS: Admiral Grice (Retired), a testy old gentleman of about sixty-five, with the manner of an old sea dog, of ruddy complexion, with white hair and whiskers. William Faraday, a well-preserved man of about sixty-five. Fashionable, superficial and thoroughly selfish. Colonel Smith, a dignified, dryly humorous man of military bearing, about forty years old. Robert Tarver, an empty-headed young swell. Henry Steele and James Raleigh, two young men of about thirty and thirty-five respectively. Martin, a dignified old family servant. Celia Faraday, an unaffected woman of twenty-nine, with a sense of humor. Madge (Mrs. Rockingham) and Evelyn (Lady Trenchard), handsome, well-dressed, fashionable women of twenty-five and twenty-seven respectively. Phyllis, the youngest sister, a charming and pretty but thoughtlessly selfish girl of twenty. Mrs. Chisholm Faraday, of Chicago (Aunt Ida), a florid, quick-tempered, warm-hearted woman of fifty or thereabouts.'

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