Blind Arrows

A Gripping Mystery of Spies and Lovers in Revolutionary Ireland

Dublin 1919. A city at war with itself, a cauldron of soldiers, spies, rebels and political intrigue. The mysterious and seductive Lily Merrin, secretary at Dublin Castle, is on a mission but whose side is she on and what is compelling her to consider the ultimate sacrifice? Charismatic Irish revolutionary leader, Michael Collins burns with a vision for his country, but others are plotting his downfall. And now Martin Kant, an English journalist, enters the arena. A serial killer is at large and Lily is in mortal peril. Kant must employ every sinew of his declining resources if he is to rescue not only Lily, but his own soul. Can hope survive amidst the moral ruin, and love be... alles anzeigen expand_more

Dublin 1919. A city at war with itself, a cauldron of soldiers, spies, rebels and political intrigue. The mysterious and seductive Lily Merrin, secretary at Dublin Castle, is on a mission but whose side is she on and what is compelling her to consider the ultimate sacrifice?

Charismatic Irish revolutionary leader, Michael Collins burns with a vision for his country, but others are plotting his downfall. And now Martin Kant, an English journalist, enters the arena. A serial killer is at large and Lily is in mortal peril. Kant must employ every sinew of his declining resources if he is to rescue not only Lily, but his own soul.

Can hope survive amidst the moral ruin, and love be sustained in a time of soaring ambition and bloodshed?

Anthony J Quinn's nine novels have received critical acclaim from the Sunday Times, Guardian, Independent, Financial Times, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Express, Sunday Herald, Literary Review, Good Book Guide, Sydney Morning Herald, Books Ireland, Der Spiegel, Irish Times, Irish Independent and other newspapers.

The superbly painted and dark atmosphere of Anthony J. Quinn's Blind Arrows is loved by Antonia Senior

Critically acclaimed Anthony J. Quinn discusses the political intrigue, secrets and treachery in Blind Arrows

'The plot takes several unexpected turns and the characters, for good or ill, can't be pigeonholed'

'Showing the very real side of political strife: Anthony J. Quinn's thought-provoking work is loved by Jaffareadstoo'

'A writer who can entertain while fostering a thirst for knowledge...a historical spy thriller that ticks all the boxes for a really good read'

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  • SW9781843445364110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781843445364110164
  • Autor find_in_page Anthony J. Quinn
  • Autoreninformationen Anthony J. Quinn is an Irish writer and journalist. His debut novel… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page No Exit Press
  • Seitenzahl 256
  • Veröffentlichung 23.09.2015
  • ISBN 9781843445364

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