A Cocoon With A View

Back in the last weeks of February, which now feels like a hundred years ago, we here in Innishannon were busy planning what was  termed 'The Big Rake Off' of the dead grass on the long sloping bank beside the road coming into the village. Happily unaware of forthcoming events, we were totally focused on creating our wild flower bank: to get something like this going you need a 'metheal', a word which prior to the corona virus was unknown to anyone under 40.    Then everything changed ... Exploring the themes of community, family and personal wellbeing, Alice Taylor examines a world changed utterly by the arrival of a once-in-a-century infectious disease.... alles anzeigen expand_more

Back in the last weeks of February, which now feels like a hundred years ago, we here in Innishannon were busy planning what was  termed 'The Big Rake Off' of the dead grass on the long sloping bank beside the road coming into the village. Happily unaware of forthcoming events, we were totally focused on creating our wild flower bank: to get something like this going you need a 'metheal', a word which prior to the corona virus was unknown to anyone under 40.   

Then everything changed ... Exploring the themes of community, family and personal wellbeing, Alice Taylor examines a world changed utterly by the arrival of a once-in-a-century infectious disease.

Heart-warming, reflective yet always practical, Alice is a wonderful guide in a world unlike the one we lived in only a few short months ago.

Alice Taylor lives in the village of Innishannon in County Cork, in a house

attached to the local supermarket and post office. Since her eldest son has

taken over responsibility for the shop, she has been able to devote more time

to her writing. Alice Taylor worked as a telephonist in Killarney and Bandon.

When she married, she moved to Innishannon where she ran a guesthouse at

first, then the supermarket and post office.

To School Through the Fields was published in May 1988. It was an immediate

success, and quickly became the biggest selling book ever published in

Ireland. Alice has written nearly twenty books since then, large exploring her

village of Inishannon, and the way of life in rural Ireland. One of Ireland's most

popular authors, her most recent book is And Life Lights Up.

the remarkable new book from a true national treasure

fuelled by good humour and home-spun wisdom


musings from inside the cocoon are full of charm, wit and wisdom ... As you would expect from her, it is heartwarming, inspiring and comforting …. This timely book is full of charm, wit and wisdom. A Cocoon with A View hits the spot and is sure to delight

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  • SW9781788492232110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781788492232110164
  • Autor find_in_page Alice Taylor
  • Autoreninformationen Alice Taylor lives in the village of Innishannon in County Cork, in… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Brandon
  • Seitenzahl 96
  • Veröffentlichung 15.06.2020
  • ISBN 9781788492232

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