Gunman's Pledge

Infamous gunslinger Wes Longbaugh is heading for his next job in Utah when he comes across a traveller cast afoot in Nevada's arid Humboldt Sink. Never one to turn the other cheek when help is needed, Wes intercepts the staggering loner. It turns out that Mace Farlow was the sole outlaw to survive a stagecoach robbery that had gone badly awry. All the other robbers had been gunned down due to the treachery of a turncoat. Mace tags along with his saviour but is determined to track the double-crosser down. Fate, however, takes a hand when trouble in the next town leads to flight and a stand off in a lonely canyon where Mace is killed. Before he dies, the aging outlaw makes his young... alles anzeigen expand_more

Infamous gunslinger Wes Longbaugh is heading for his next job in Utah when he comes across a traveller cast afoot in Nevada's arid Humboldt Sink. Never one to turn the other cheek when help is needed, Wes intercepts the staggering loner. It turns out that Mace Farlow was the sole outlaw to survive a stagecoach robbery that had gone badly awry. All the other robbers had been gunned down due to the treachery of a turncoat. Mace tags along with his saviour but is determined to track the double-crosser down. Fate, however, takes a hand when trouble in the next town leads to flight and a stand off in a lonely canyon where Mace is killed. Before he dies, the aging outlaw makes his young sidekick promise to abandon the precarious life of a gunslinger. But this is far harder to achieve than Wes could ever have imagined.

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  • SW9780719829598110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780719829598110164
  • Autor find_in_page Ethan Flagg
  • Autoreninformationen Graham Dugdale writes westerns under the two pen-names of Dale… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Robert Hale Fiction
  • Seitenzahl 160
  • Veröffentlichung 01.06.2019
  • ISBN 9780719829598

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