Songs That Saved Your Life - The Art of The Smiths 1982-87 (revised edition)

Reveals the stories behind every track (including unreleased out-takes), catalogues all the group's UK television, radio and concert appearances and features interviews with original band members, producers and associates. Formed in 1982, The Smiths' brief but brilliant career lasted just five years - but the music they left behind distinguished them as one of the greatest British guitar groups of all time. 'Songs That Saved Your Life - The Art of The Smiths 1982-87' reveals the stories behind every track (including unreleased out-takes), catalogues all the group's UK television, radio and concert appearances and features interviews with original band members, producers and... alles anzeigen expand_more

Reveals the stories behind every track (including unreleased out-takes), catalogues all the group's UK television, radio and concert appearances and features interviews with original band members, producers and associates.

Formed in 1982, The Smiths' brief but brilliant career lasted just five years - but the music they left behind distinguished them as one of the greatest British guitar groups of all time.

'Songs That Saved Your Life - The Art of The Smiths 1982-87' reveals the stories behind every track (including unreleased out-takes), catalogues all the group's UK television, radio and concert appearances and features interviews with original band members, producers and associates.

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