The File Note

James Hadfield is a middle-aged solicitor with Timmons & Associates in the sleepy village of Kilcreddin. The death of Lord Barrington, his firm's most important client, is immediately viewed with suspicion in the locality, and a high-profile murder inquiry is soon under way. As more deaths follow, a handwritten note found by Hadfield throws him into the middle of the investigation, along with Hilary, the office manager, Mick, the law clerk, and Lucinda, the new apprentice. Hadfield's friend FitzHerbert, a Senior Counsel specialising in criminal law, quickly finds himself involved as they try to piece together what happened. All the beneficiaries of the Barrington will are... alles anzeigen expand_more

James Hadfield is a middle-aged solicitor with Timmons & Associates in the sleepy village of Kilcreddin. The death of Lord Barrington, his firm's most important client, is immediately viewed with suspicion in the locality, and a high-profile murder inquiry is soon under way.

As more deaths follow, a handwritten note found by Hadfield throws him into the middle of the investigation, along with Hilary, the office manager, Mick, the law clerk, and Lucinda, the new apprentice. Hadfield's friend FitzHerbert, a Senior Counsel specialising in criminal law, quickly finds himself involved as they try to piece together what happened.

All the beneficiaries of the Barrington will are suspects, while none have an alibi, and it seems Hadfield may even be in the frame. Love is also in the air, but where exactly that might lead is not entirely clear. Will Hadfield solve the mystery – and help apprehend the guilty party – before he, she or they can strike again? With more twists and turns than an old country road, The File Note is a classic page-turner that offers intrigue and romance in equal measure.

David Foley was born in Dublin, where he still lives with his wife and two children, and he has worked there as a solicitor for nearly thirty years. He always had the desire to write murder mysteries but making the time to do so proved a perennial problem. Fortunately, the passing of the years has brought with it an easing of commitments and given David the opportunity to pursue his literary interests. This is his first novel.

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  • SW9781912589098110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781912589098110164
  • Autor find_in_page David Foley
  • Autoreninformationen David Foley was born in Dublin, where he still lives with his wife… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Liberties Press
  • Seitenzahl 252
  • Veröffentlichung 28.10.2019
  • ISBN 9781912589098

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