About My Mother

Since she's been ill, Lalla Fatma has become a frail little thing with a faltering memory. Lalla Fatma thinks she's in Fez in 1944, where she grew up, not in Tangier in 2000, where this story begins. She calls out to family members who are long dead and loses herself in the streets of her childhood, yearning for her first love and the city she left behind. By her bedside, her son Tahar listens to long-hidden secrets and stories from her past: married while still playing with dolls and widowed for the first time at the age of sixteen. Guided by these fragments, Tahar vividly conjures his mother's life in post-war Morocco, unravelling the story of a woman for whom resignation was the... alles anzeigen expand_more

Since she's been ill, Lalla Fatma has become a frail little thing with a faltering memory. Lalla Fatma thinks she's in Fez in 1944, where she grew up, not in Tangier in 2000, where this story begins. She calls out to family members who are long dead and loses herself in the streets of her childhood, yearning for her first love and the city she left behind.

By her bedside, her son Tahar listens to long-hidden secrets and stories from her past: married while still playing with dolls and widowed for the first time at the age of sixteen. Guided by these fragments, Tahar vividly conjures his mother's life in post-war Morocco, unravelling the story of a woman for whom resignation was the only way out.

Tender and compelling, About My Mother maps the beautiful, fragile and complex nature of human experience, while paying tribute to a remarkable woman and the bond between mother and son.

'Ben Jelloun is arguably Morocco's greatest living author, whose impressive body of work combines intellect and imagination in magical fusion' Guardian

'In any language, in any culture, Tahar Ben Jelloun would be a remarkable novelist' Sunday Telegraph

'One of Morocco's most celebrated and translated writers' Asymptote

'A traditional storyteller whose tales have the status of myth ... An important writer.' Times Literary Supplement

Born in Fez, Morocco, Tahar Ben Jelloun is an award-winning and internationally bestselling novelist, essayist, critic and poet. Regularly shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature, he has won the Prix Goncourt and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. His work has also been shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. He received the rank of Officier de la Legion d'honneur in 2008. Some of his works in English translation include This Blinding Absence of Light, A Palace in the Old Village, The Sand Child and Racism Explained to My Daughter.

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781846592034110164
  • Autor find_in_page Tahar Ben Jelloun
  • Mit find_in_page Roz Schwartz
  • Autoreninformationen Born in Fez, Morocco, Tahar Ben Jelloun is an award-winning and… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Telegram Books
  • Seitenzahl 304
  • Veröffentlichung 06.07.2016
  • ISBN 9781846592034

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