The Imagination Box: Beyond Infinity

Timothy Hart is getting used to the good life with his new imagination box. Anything he can imagine, he can create! There's only one rule - the box mustn't leave Tim's room. But Tim has never been good at following rules - especially when there's the opportunity to 'imagine' his homework into being without actually having to do it. Tim is feeling rather pleased with himself... Until he notices the strange people following him, and then chasing him, and then his beloved imagination box being ripped from his hands. He'll need the help of a top secret scientific institution if he's going to save the imagination box from corruption of the worst possible kind. Sequel to the... alles anzeigen expand_more

Timothy Hart is getting used to the good life with his new imagination box. Anything he can imagine, he can create! There's only one rule - the box mustn't leave Tim's room.

But Tim has never been good at following rules - especially when there's the opportunity to 'imagine' his homework into being without actually having to do it. Tim is feeling rather pleased with himself...

Until he notices the strange people following him, and then chasing him, and then his beloved imagination box being ripped from his hands.

He'll need the help of a top secret scientific institution if he's going to save the imagination box from corruption of the worst possible kind.

Sequel to the critically acclaimed debut, The Imagination Box.

Martyn Ford is a journalist and award-winning author from the UK. His debut middle-grade children's book, The Imagination Box, was published by Faber in 2015 to critical acclaim and has since become a trilogy. This was followed by 2019's standalone title, Chester Parsons is Not a Gorilla. His adult debut, Every Missing Thing, was released in 2020, from Amazon imprint Thomas & Mercer. Martyn spends a lot of his time thinking, writing and thinking about writing. He has a lot of titanium implants in his mouth because most of his big teeth didn't appear but, get this, no one knows why . . .

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  • SW9780571311682110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9780571311682110164
  • Autor find_in_page Martyn Ford
  • Autoreninformationen Martyn Ford is a journalist and award-winning author from the UK.… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Faber & Faber
  • Seitenzahl 304
  • Veröffentlichung 05.04.2016
  • ISBN 9780571311682

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