Come Sit Awhile

Alice celebrates the special moments and the everyday blessings of life. Come sit awhile with Alice Taylor. Take a little time out – to rest, to think, or just to be. Life can race along at a fast pace, sometimes almost stampeding us along with it. What a pity not to slow down and take the time to enjoy little things, or simply doing nothing or chatting with a good friend. Sometimes Alice finds a comfortable place to sit, maybe a low wall, a garden seat or a grassy bank. A place to let the mind calm down and let thoughts drift. With this book she invites you to share the special moments of life. she is a national treasure loving it … that kind of book you can... alles anzeigen expand_more

Alice celebrates the special moments and the everyday blessings of life.

Come sit awhile with Alice Taylor. Take a little time out – to rest, to think, or just to be.

Life can race along at a fast pace, sometimes almost stampeding us along with it. What a pity not to slow down and take the time to enjoy little things, or simply doing nothing or chatting with a good friend. Sometimes Alice finds a comfortable place to sit, maybe a low wall, a garden seat or a grassy bank. A place to let the mind calm

down and let thoughts drift. With this book she invites you to share the special moments of life.

she is a national treasure

loving it … that kind of book you can dip in and out of

encouraging people to take time out for themselves, communicate with each other

A contemplative collection of prose and poetry from the much-loved Innishannon writer, celebrating the benefits of taking time out to reflect and restore our creative spirit

a world-renowned Irish writer and novelist

One of our best-loved writers … I love this book … absolutely gorgeous

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  • SW9781788494700110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781788494700110164
  • Autor find_in_page Alice Taylor
  • Autoreninformationen Alice Taylor lives in the village of Innishannon in County Cork, in… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page Brandon
  • Seitenzahl 192
  • Veröffentlichung 09.10.2023
  • ISBN 9781788494700

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