'A novel of considerable power, its gritty drama of damage and disillusion well served by a hard-edged and often vigorously compelling prose style… an undeniably dark novel, yet its explorations move us towards a clearer view of the unsettling world we inhabit.' – Guardian 'A poet of misfits, outsiders and the forsaken, his empathy for their suffering ever poignant.' – Adam Nevill, author of The Ritual 'The reader of a Lane story can never escape the feeling of being located squarely in banal reality. It's this that makes any intrusion of the supernatural so shockingly effective – because the picture he creates is so palpable, and because we recognise... alles anzeigen expand_more

'A novel of considerable power, its gritty drama of damage and disillusion well served by a hard-edged and often vigorously compelling prose style… an undeniably dark novel, yet its explorations move us towards a clearer view of the unsettling world we inhabit.'

– Guardian

'A poet of misfits, outsiders and the forsaken, his empathy for their suffering ever poignant.'

– Adam Nevill, author of The Ritual

'The reader of a Lane story can never escape the feeling of being located squarely in banal reality. It's this that makes any intrusion of the supernatural so shockingly effective – because the picture he creates is so palpable, and because we recognise some version of these lonely streets from our real lives.'

– Sublime Horror

Neil is a student at Birmingham University, living a typical life of gigs, clubs, politics, sex. One night, after a row with his lover, Neil follows a stranger onto a canal towpath. The stranger turns on him and attacks, viciously carving up Neil's face and leaving him mutilated beyond recognition. Neil's recovery is a journey through surgical reconstruction and sexual alienation. His attempt to track down his attacker becoming a search for his own hidden, destructive self; a search that leads him to question values he had always taken for granted.

First published in 2003 and long out-of-print, The Blue Mask is a hardcore emotional trip exploring the trauma of change and the nature of violence and of love..


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  • SW9781914391064110164

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  • Artikelnummer SW9781914391064110164
  • Autor find_in_page Joel Lane
  • Mit find_in_page Joseph O'Neill
  • Autoreninformationen Joel Lane was the author of two novels, From Blue to Black and The… open_in_new Mehr erfahren
  • Wasserzeichen ja
  • Verlag find_in_page INFLUX PRESS
  • Seitenzahl 274
  • Veröffentlichung 10.12.2023
  • ISBN 9781914391064

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