The Art of Afternoon Tea

Tradition, etiquette & recipes for delectable teatime treats

The Art of Afternoon Tea
More than 75 stunning recipes and a wealth of inspiration for how to host and bake for the perfect afternoon tea party. The ultimate guide to enjoying this experience to the full at home, from insights into the history, traditions and etiquette of afternoon tea to achievable recipes. Learn how to create a three-tiered cake stand brimming with delicious treats that will be the envy of any tea salon in the finest hotels. The art of afternoon tea is a delightful and refined tradition that has been cherished for centuries and invites us to savour simple pleasures in a world that often rushes by too quickly. It is an elegant affair where delicate china cups are filled with... alles anzeigen expand_more

More than 75 stunning recipes and a wealth of inspiration for how to host and bake for the perfect afternoon tea party.

The ultimate guide to enjoying this experience to the full at home, from insights into the history, traditions and etiquette of afternoon tea to achievable recipes.

Learn how to create a three-tiered cake stand brimming with delicious treats that will be the envy of any tea salon in the finest hotels.

The art of afternoon tea is a delightful and refined tradition that has been cherished for centuries and invites us to savour simple pleasures in a world that often rushes by too quickly. It is an elegant affair where delicate china cups are filled with aromatic teas, accompanied by dainty finger sandwiches, bite-size savouries, scones and delectable pâtisserie. The setting is meticulously arranged with pristine linen tablecloths, vases of fresh flowers and fine porcelain teapots and as you sip a soothing cup of tea, time seems to slow down, allowing for intimate conversation and a moment of tranquility...

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Vorbestellerartikel: Dieser Artikel erscheint am 25. Juni 2024

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  • SW9781788796392110164

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