Uncle Sam's Boys on Field Duty
Winng Corporal's Chevrons
A Squad-room Misunderstanding On the Great Summer Hike Soldier Hal Marches as a Prisoner The Joking Scout The Corporal With the Sheepish Grin Raynes Finds a Patriotic Ally Bears and Other Troubles In the Midst of the "Hostiles" Planning for the Night Attack Trappers and Trapped That C Company Corporal Eats Crow The Call to Deadly Work The Appointment With Supreme Danger Meeting Blick in Earnest The Battle of Their Lives Captain Cortland "Makes a Speech" Rounding Up the Missing Leave Men Dowley Eggs On a Catspaw A Dispute in the Guard House Promotion Flies in the Air The Price of Being a Man Two Young Corporals Send Out the "C. Q. D." The Wind Changes Its Course...
alles anzeigen
A Squad-room Misunderstanding
On the Great Summer Hike
Soldier Hal Marches as a Prisoner
The Joking Scout
The Corporal With the Sheepish Grin
Raynes Finds a Patriotic Ally
Bears and Other Troubles
In the Midst of the "Hostiles"
Planning for the Night Attack
Trappers and Trapped
That C Company Corporal Eats Crow
The Call to Deadly Work
The Appointment With Supreme Danger
Meeting Blick in Earnest
The Battle of Their Lives
Captain Cortland "Makes a Speech"
Rounding Up the Missing Leave Men
Dowley Eggs On a Catspaw
A Dispute in the Guard House
Promotion Flies in the Air
The Price of Being a Man
Two Young Corporals Send Out the "C. Q. D."
The Wind Changes Its Course and Blows
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW11800
- Artikelnummer SW11800
H. Irving Hancock
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag anboco
- Seitenzahl 272
- Veröffentlichung 27.09.2016
- ISBN 9783736417151
- Wasserzeichen ja