Agatized Rainbows: A Story of the Petrified Forest
AGATIZED RAINBOWS .... A Story of the Petrified Forest…with views of other National Park Service units of Northern Arizona
"Oh ranger, please! Just one itzy bitzy piece of petrified wood to take home to show my boy friend. You won't miss just one teeny weeny piece."
Holding in his hand an assortment of specimens of petrified wood which he had just retrieved from the young lady driving the flashy convertible, the Highway 260 checking station ranger at Petrified Forest National Monument shook his head with a wry smile. "Sorry, lady, but the rules say 'It is unlawful to injure, destroy, or remove specimens of petrified wood of any size whatsoever found within the monument boundary * * *,' and my job is to see that this and other regulations are obeyed.
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- Artikel-Nr.: SW25612
- Artikelnummer SW25612
Harold J. Brodrick
- Wasserzeichen ja
- Verlag anboco
- Seitenzahl 500
- Veröffentlichung 12.08.2016
- ISBN 9783736408487
- Wasserzeichen ja